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University of Lapland

University of Lapland

Ucz się na szczycie świata!

Inteligentna, oryginalna, pełna przygód i kreatywna. Czy czujesz, że te opisy są bliskie Twojemu sercu? W takim razie University of Lapland , multidyscyplinarna instytucja na północy Finlandii, jest właściwym miejscem dla Ciebie. Połączysz wolność akademicką i wysokiej jakości edukację z najnowocześniejszymi udogodnieniami i usługami wsparcia. Nie zapominajmy o warunkach, które z pewnością będą dla Ciebie wyzwaniem! Tak, jest zimno, ale ludzie tutaj są ciepli. Zrobisz to.

Nasi studenci mówią, że studiowanie w Laponii daje nowe spojrzenie na sprawy – nawet na życie. Doświadczanie zmiany wszystkich 8 pór roku może mieć na ciebie wpływ.

Obejrzyj ten film Oda do Rovaniemi - Oodi Rovaniemelle | Oficjalny film (2018) – YouTube


University of Lapland oferuje trzy międzynarodowe programy magisterskie, które odbywają się w Rovaniemi, oficjalnym rodzinnym mieście Świętego Mikołaja. Na studia magisterskie można składać wnioski raz w roku w styczniu. Wszystkie studia magisterskie potrwają dwa lata, oferują 120 punktów ECTS i są to studia dzienne.

Zapraszamy do dołączenia do naszego zespołu Arctic Dream!

Czytaj więcej na stronie uczelni

  • Założona w 1979 roku
  • 680 pracowników
  • Studenci 4450 stopni
  • 3600 studentów niestacjonarnych
  • 4 wydziały i Centrum Arktyczne, Wielowymiarowy Instytut Turystyki

    Finland Scholarship

    What is the Finland Scholarship and who can apply for it?

    Finland scholarships awarded by the University of Lapland are part of the national Finland Scholarship programme for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. One Finland scholarship is awarded at the University of Lapland to the most merited applicant in each Master's programme based on their success in the admission process.

    The Finland Scholarship is granted for the first year of Master's studies and the students who receive it must be non-EU/EEA citizens who are liable to pay tuition fees. The double degree -programme applicants are not eligible for this scholarship.

    The Finland Scholarships will be granted until 2024. Prospective students who apply to Master’s programmes in 2025 are not eligible. The national Finland Scholarship programme is funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

    What does the Finland Scholarship include?

    The Finland Scholarship

    • Covers the programme tuition fee of 8000 € for the first year of studies and
    • A 5000 € relocation grant

    The total value of the Finland Scholarship at the University of Lapland is 13,000 €.

    Information on the Finland Scholarship at ULapland

    • The student needs to study on campus, as it is not possible to have these extra scholarships for distance learning
    • The only exception is if the programme is forced to offer distance studies due to a force majeure situation
    • Master's degree students who have been admitted in 2021 or earlier are not eligible, even if the start of their studies is postponed
    • If the student defers the start of their studies for a statutory reason, they may begin the studies in the following academic year with the same conditions and keep the Finland Scholarship (one time)
    • The scholarship is paid after the student has registered as being present at the University of Lapland
    • The student must have a Finnish bank account, and the scholarship will be paid to that account
    • The scholarship is paid after arrival in September/October

    International Talent ULapland scholarship

    Two-year scholarship for the most merited applicants

    ULapland welcomes international talents to Lapland and Finland. In addition to the Finland Scholarship, the University of Lapland will provide one International Talent ULapland scholarship for the most merited applicants in each International Master’s programme in 2022, 2023 and 2024 based on their success in the admission process. The International Talent ULapland scholarship is granted for two years and the students who receive it must be non-EU/EEA citizens who are liable to pay tuition fees. The tuition waiver for the second study year will be granted according to the University of Lapland scholarship policy. The double degree -programme applicants are not eligible for this scholarship.

    International Talent ULapland scholarship will be awarded to the most merited applicant in each Master’s programme for two years until 2024. Prospective students who apply to Master’s programmes in 2025 are not eligible.

    The International Talent ULapland scholarship includes:

    In the first year, the International Talent ULapland scholarship includes

    • A 2000 € relocation grant and
    • Voucher na praktykę o wartości 4000 € na staż w Laponii lub Finlandii. Można go wykorzystać na pierwszym lub drugim roku studiów.

    The total value of the first-year International Talent ULapland scholarship is 6,000 €.

    In the second year, the International Talent ULapland scholarship includes

    • A 7000 € scholarship for living costs in Finland and
    • The programme tuition fee of 8000 € for the second year according to the ULapland scholarship policy: during the first year of studies, students must complete at least 60 ECTS credits according to the curricula of the degree programme
    • In addition, a scholarship holder can participate in the Working on Campus -project to receive a total of 1000 € to support social and academic integration: divided into two; 500 € to support student tutoring and 500 € to participate in alumni work

    Details for the second-year scholarships will be communicated to the students during their first year.

    The total value of the second-year International Talent ULapland scholarship is 15,000 €.

    Information on the International Talent ULapland scholarship

    • The student needs to study on campus, as it is not possible to have these extra scholarships for distance learning
    • The only exception is if the programme is forced to offer distance studies due to a force majeure situation
    • Master's degree students who have been admitted in 2021 or earlier are not eligible, even if the start of their studies is postponed
    • If the student defers the start of their studies for a statutory reason, they may begin the studies in the following academic year with the same conditions and keep the International Talent ULapland scholarship (one time)
    • The scholarship is paid after the student has registered as being present at the University of Lapland
    • The student must have a Finnish bank account, and the scholarship will be paid to that account
    • The scholarship is paid after arrival in September/October
    • The practicum voucher can be used in the first or second study year for an internship in Lapland or in Finland
    • The practicum voucher will be paid to the hosting organisation of the internship, not to the student
    • The 500 € support to student tutoring is meant for the degree student tutoring and includes the regular degree student tutoring compensation of 250 € + an additional 250 € support
    • The alumni work content can be negotiated with the degree programme or other service units

    Jak ubiegać się o stypendium fińskie i stypendium International Talent ULapland?

    Musisz złożyć wniosek o stypendium Finland Scholarship i stypendium International Talent ULapland w formularzu zgłoszeniowym Studyinfo. O oba stypendia należy się ubiegać jednocześnie. Stypendia Finland Scholarship i International Talent ULapland na University of Lapland przyznawane są najbardziej zasłużonym kandydatom w każdym programie magisterskim na podstawie ich sukcesu w procesie rekrutacyjnym. Decyzja w sprawie obu stypendiów zostanie podjęta łącznie i w tym samym czasie. Nie jest możliwe ubieganie się o te stypendia osobno. Stypendia są zawsze przyznawane osobiście, a ULapland powiadomi kandydatów o decyzji dotyczącej stypendium w tym samym czasie, co wyniki rekrutacji. Nie można odwołać się od decyzji w sprawie stypendiów.

    You apply for both the Finland Scholarship & International Talent ULapland scholarship and the University of Lapland's own tuition waiver at the same time in your Studyinfo application form. If you are not awarded the Finland Scholarship & International Talent ULapland scholarship, ULapland will grant the tuition waiver according to our scholarship policy. You can not apply for the Finland Scholarship & International Talent ULapland scholarship nor the tuition waiver after the application deadline.

    • Rovaniemi

      Yliopistonkatu,8, 96300, Rovaniemi

    • Kuldīga

      Kuldīga, Łotwa

      University of Lapland